Trophies for Gav-Gav Odyssey

Gav-Gav Odyssey Gav-Gav Odyssey
USSR space program
USSR space program Gav-Gav Odyssey
Unlock all trophies
Stardog Gav-Gav Odyssey
Score 100 points while flying in the space rocket
Delivery troubles
Delivery troubles Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 5 levels in the marshalling workshop
Get in the box!
Get in the box! Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 10 levels in the marshalling workshop
Ursa Grylls
Ursa Grylls Gav-Gav Odyssey
Meet Ursa
Teamed up
Teamed up Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete a level with the full team
Teambuilding Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 5 levels with the full team
Dream team
Dream team Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 10 levels with the full team
Bark at the USSR
Bark at the USSR Gav-Gav Odyssey
Successfully escape and finish the game
This job is for dog
This job is for dog Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 5 levels
Tastes like chicken
Tastes like chicken Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete a level with a chicken
Chicken troubles
Chicken troubles Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 5 levels with chickens
Dramatic chicken
Dramatic chicken Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 10 levels with chickens
Snowball Gav-Gav Odyssey
Meet Snowball
It's snowy outside
It's snowy outside Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 5 levels with Snowball
Chilly weather
Chilly weather Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete 10 levels with Snowball
Workshop. Sort of
Workshop. Sort of Gav-Gav Odyssey
Complete a level in the marshalling workshop